
How it all began

WeltkarteThere was once a small village. There were two cabins. And if you were lucky, you would find travelling gamers. Over time, more and more travelers stayed for longer in the village. In honor of the founder, they named it Armfeld. They built tents and even a small castle. The village became a town. The town soon became over populated. For many the once tranquil city had become too loud. Some wanted their peace back again. It was time to venture out and create the Board Game World (BSW).

New towns were founded. In the Fields of Fertility (Felder der Fruchtbarkeit), Los Velozes, town of the fast gamers, came to be. The people here had ample amounts of wood for building their first huts, and of food to eat and wool to wear. So the city grew and grew. But when sunset came, it became more quiet. Now only the voices of the people of Nightowl'sHome could be heard. Those, who shunned the daylight, founded their hamlet in the Plains of Dry Throats (Ebenen der trockenen Kehlen), where they had enough stone for all their needs. Also, OldFolksTown and MonteMonaco were founded, close to the coast, where there was no famine to be feared thanks to the rich fishing grounds. Only ore was a ressources that was scarce. Until, one day, the first settlement in the Eternal Ice (Ewiges Eis) was founded by adventurous players. The amount of ore to be found was unbelievable. But news also told of rich lodes in the Mountains of Winners (Berge der Sieger).

But no city had all it needed. So the people regularly trekked back to ARMfeld, to trade their surplus for more desperately needed goods on the marketplace. But ARMfeld always claimed a share of tithe for every transaction. This annoyed the leaders of the other cities, which were striving for independence from ARMfeld. So the idea of a community of cities came up. This was the start of the Hanseatic League, and a new era was about to begin...

The cities

Any registered player who is at least Ranking W/K2 may be citizens of a city. Players who doesn't join another city, are automatically citizens in ARMfeld. Anyone who finds ARMfeld too anonymous can look around for like minded people in the other 245 cities. If you find agreeable people, you can then ask the Mayor of that town (Burgermeister)to clarify the naturalization procedures. Cities can set the tax rate for their own citizens. Citizens in these towns can get their own house and game room depending on their rank. From the rank of 12 (Baron or provost) you get a house with land. From Rank 15 (Grand Duke or Bishop) you can place a multiplayer game room in your residence.

Towns can elect their mayor each month. Any citizen may vote and may be selected. The election takes place at the month end.
For games that are played in the city, the city gets commodities and talers. Also games played by citizens in other towns can also earn their town commodities.

City Offices

Office Privileges and Duties daily salary
non Hanseatic city Hanseatic city
Bürgermeister [Mayor]
Appoints the other offices for the city and decides who can become citizens. He decides which city buildings to build (with approval from the treasurer). 6 Taler 8 Taler
Stellvertreter [Deputy]
Has - if the mayor permits - all the mayor's rights. May pin options for games in the city. 4 Taler 5 Taler
Kämmerer [Treasurer]
Determines the city tax rate and approves building expenditures. Also responsible for expanding bank and storage capacity and making interim building steps with larger buildings. In non-Hanseatic cities also sets in weaving, smithing and laboratory and trades raw material on the stock exchange in Armfeld. 4 Taler 3 Taler
Stadtvogt [Reeve]
Determines who should be banned from playing within a city. Regularly takes part in the mediator Assembly (Assembly of reeves). Between 14th and 21st of every odd month, the reeves elect four from their town to the panel of mediators. 3 Taler 4 Taler
Botschafter [Ambassador]
(Only in towns that are members of the Hanseatic League). Is responsible for relations to other cities. Trades resources and sets assignments in weaving mill, smithy and laboratory. - 5 Taler
Lagermeister [Storekeeper]
Transports resources from the market place to the storehouses or the other way round. May contribute resources towards the manager ranking. 2 Taler 3 Taler
Freimeister [Foreman]
Sets production orders for the weaving-mill, forge and lab. 2 Taler 3 Taler

Incomes and Expenses of Cities

  • Every finished SU-game in the town earns one taler.
  • Each concluded MultiUser-game contributes to the city
    • 2 talers per player for each game under 10 points;
    • 3 talers per player for each game of 10 points or above;
    • Resources, depending on the location of the city and the number of players.
  • Each city may levy a daily head tax on each of its citizen at a chosen rate.
  • Each emigrating citizen pays 20 talers to the emigrating city.
  • Donations by council members
  • Donations by guilds
  • Resources traded at the stock exchange at ARMfeld or with other Hanseatic cities.
  • Each city pays food, clothes and tools to ARMfeld for its citizens, gamerooms and construction sites.
  • Each homeless citizen incurs an additional cost of 20 talers a day.
  • Every Officer change costs 20 Talers.
  • Each blacklist entry costs one taler.
  • Each explusion of citizen costs 20 talers.
  • New buildings cost talers and resources.
  • Donations to guilds
  • City yells
  • Resources traded at the stock exchange at ARMfeld or with other Hanseatic cities.
  • Donations for the manager ranking

Ranking of cities in the Manager

The ranking of cities determines which rooms are available in the game manager for each individual game. Cities can improve their position in the manager ranking by donating resources. Using the warehouses a town can improve its position in the list of the game manager. You must take into consideration that:

  • donations expire after some time.
  • If the contribution of donated resources is not proportional to its market price.
  • more prosperous cities are placed further down than poor cities.
  • games currently played in towns have quite a dynamic influence on the position.

The donations can be done by the council members of city by transporting resources and/or taler to the "Contribute" option in the warehouses.

Establishment of New City

To form a new city, you need five players who have earned not less than 8000 points collectively. They should also be experienced in using the metagame system.
A city admin must approve the foundation of the new city.

  • The founder becomes the first mayor. No mayor election takes place at the end of the first month after the founding.
  • Each new town gets 1660 taler, 400 wood and 10 tools for foundation.
  • There is no Taxation for the first 30 days of a new town.
  • Each city gets its own forum on the BSW website and a link to the city's website if it has one.
  • Town officers receive a monthly salary from Armfeld


With growth your town can become a Hanse city. When this happens, guilds play an important role for the city. For each multi-user game, there is a guild. Every citizen of a Hanseatic city can be a member of a guild. You can only ever be in one guild at any time! You have the choice of the five most played games. This calculation for most played games takes into account your %age of games played versus the total BSW population of that game type. Only games where you have played at least 20 times and also played at least once in the last 31 days will be taken into account.

Every guild has a guild master. The procedure for who is elected can be found here. Guilds are responsible for promoting their game in BSW. They should help educate the game rules (training) and encourage the best players (tournament championships).

Every guild may have its own guildhall, which shall be erected by a city. Approval of the mayor is necessary, because the city pays the bill. Until that time they use the common guildhall in ARMfeld.

Every guild has its own forum on the BSW website and may set their own URL. Guilds may support cities financially if e.g. the city shows special interests in their game.

Offices in the Guilds

Office Privileges and Duties Monthly Salary
Guild Master
Appoint the Guild Teacher and Tournament Master. They can also donate talers to cities to promote their game. 200 Taler
They are responsible for promoting the game to new players and recruiting new members. They organize games for beginners and supports the tutors. 200 Taler
Tournament Master
They organize tournaments for the game and set up lotteries. 100 Taler

Income and Expenses of Guilds

  • Every finished game of the corresponding type in a city generates one or more talers for the guild.
  • Donations from Hanse cities
  • Lotteries, prizes of tournaments
  • Donations to cities
  • Guild yells

The City Admins

Form June 2010 onwards, the tradition of the alderman will be replaced by the City Administrators team. The city Admins will now perform the duties of the former alderman:

  • Agree city foundations
  • Help cities with resource problems.
  • Re-allocate or re-populate "dead" towns
  • Help with questions about the cities and the meta-game
  • Provide news and the Motto of the Day

The City Admins can be reached via /channel Consulat or directly via a /tell.

Stadt-Admins sind:
Player Name